Thursday, February 4, 2010

Monogamy, Marriage, Fate, Karma & Soul Mates - Love is Forever, but most relationships are not

It is rare that people as good relationship karma
that it really is (without self-deception) have a solid,
happy, fulfilling, compatibility, monogamous, lifelong

There are many couples who stay together for years
and year, but that does not mean the relationship is, or
always compatible or harmonious. It is very common
for couples to stay together and left the housemates with
Wedding rings, because they fearalone, with less
Money, or for other reasons.

Love is eternal, but most relationships do not. Through this
we believe that love is the glue that pulls the people together,
again and again over the lifetime. Couples usually
See you in the first instance from a spiritual perspective
To draw lessons and personal development, not only for
Romance and companionship. If these lessons are
met, it may be time to move on.

However, in ourSociety, great emphasis is placed on
Relationship longevity. A relationship or marriage
regarded as if no fail "if not keep them for a lifetime.
This thinking is not just all up to the
Disappointment, but is unrealistic.

No one expects her first job out of school or
College to keep forever, or that every friendship is
never too late, and any such expectations for the love
Relationship is wise, in our opinion.All changes
and grows at different speeds and different lessons
learn. You can not cast someone for a relationship Theater
Production and expect them to fit comfortably into the
Role for a lifetime.

Sometimes people are are meant for a while to be single
some reason other than that it is only about the poor relationship

Their living conditions are reflected in your
numerological and astrological timing, which is
otherwiseeach. Sometimes, you have rewarded
Love time, meaning more fulfilling and compatible
Relations, and sometimes you will not, and some people
have a lot more of it than others in their lives.
If you are not the way things stand now, it would
eventually change. If you're curious, if your
Love timing is better, more comprehensive numerology
Astrology can offer greater insight.

Our unique definitionand prediction of the work tell us that
Relations, and how long they last, are determined. We
Terms of the energy between two people that makes
she was fascinated by each other, and if the Board
(sexual and otherwise) is still there months and years
later than in the initial phase of the connection, not
the nature of the relationship when two people know that there
"Gone", but still stay together.

Therefore, it is best to try to break away fromExpectations for
"Duration" to be, if involved in a relationship
and just accept the situation for what and how long it
should be. This does not mean you should not try to
Labor problems (since the development problems is a
The main reason why you are together) in the first place, only
that it is better to swim with the tide.

What about some "experts" tell you
have a lifelong relationship and that everything you have
doit is always "new" and "fresh?" Yes, maybe a few
these techniques may extend help if it is already relatively
strong connection, but they are not something
dead or inspiration, which has never been there in the first

It can be difficult, but try to be thankful for the time
They have spent with compatible games in the past,
what you learned from the more demanding
They have had relationships, and perhaps most importantly,
theBenefits of time alone when you're not in a relationship.
Expressing gratitude has to help a magical way to go
the past, and inviting more positive experiences in
the present.

Copyright © 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

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