Sunday, November 1, 2009

Marriage Relationships - How to Avoid Taking Your Spouse for Granted

You know, like in a marriage that granted the things start to your spouse? In fact, it is often easier to be frustrated at the things that your spouse has instead of the positive qualities that drew you together in the first place. The more you are on the negative things that you get more dissatisfaction with your relationship. See how to play an understanding of the role that your spouse in your life to win.

An unexpectedEnd

One morning I kissed my husband goodbye and went to work. Three hours later he had a massive brain hemorrhage and died. Before his death, I would have denied took it for granted. After he left, I realized that he was my life in a way that I thought not enriched over a long time. In other words, I had accepted him as saying.

What I miss,

Most of the time that we do not remember how our lives are enhanced by our partners. Here are just a few thingsI miss my husband:

1. According to someone who I feel better than anyone else (including all my faults, white) and still thinks I'm terrific

2. Our laughter (and someone who understands my sense) of humor

3. The opportunity to share my deepest fears with him and know he will understand.

4. The comfort of the implementation of my head on his chest.

5. A partner in the education of our children are educated

6. Knowing that I am on the right track with the decisions Imake

7. The planning for our future

8. Sharing my day ( "the good, the bad and the ugly")

9. A confidant

10. Romance

Not taking your spouse for granted

Your partner plays a unique role in your life, take this role does not take for granted. Consider what would you miss them, they were gone. In fact, one could consider a list of things. If you from those annoying things that your partner does not, then stimulated to read about this list. Itcould help you look at the daily frustrations and appreciate the qualities that first has you in him / her.

One never knows what the future holds for you. Whether you have five years or fifty years together, it will be too short. Invest time and energy into building your dream marriage is the best investment you ever make.

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