Friday, March 26, 2010

Marriage, Codependency And God

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Did you know that the first book of the Bible speaks of co-dependency? I do not know if you notice it or not, but now the Bible has much to say about human behavior and psychology.

For example, on the question of co-dependency, God told Adam and Eve, that the results of their decision to "self-help" would be dependent life-style disaster.

God intended for Adam and Eve to choose his mind (Tree of Life) as a source of life and wisdom, but not their ownExperience of good and evil. Fear, isolation, distrust, guilt, and a variety of other emotions and attitudes were now a part of Adam and Eve's world. She hastened to hide herself from the presence of God.

Back to the case of Adam and Eve found their completeness in God alone. He was the source of everything that was good!

After the fall of Adam and Eve were both affected. To the woman God said, "I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception, in sorrow thou shaltBear children, your request is for [to] your husband, and he shall rule over thee "(Gen. 3:16).

At this point, we find the root of dysfunctional behavior in women compared to men, and where their heart is most vulnerable to fraud. Today we have a new word for it. We call it co-dependence. "God is identified at the beginning of time and called it the" desire "of the woman.

Another way to think about what would God say, "The longing of the heart rotatesaway from me, your husband, and he will rule over you. "

God tells Eve that the man she would as a consequence of their turning away from God, he decided. It was their choice. Had Eve remained wish to God that he would have mastered them, the privileged, God willing, is to keep for himself for all his children.

What a colossal disappointment if this self-centered dream is not realized if the man is the woman not be able to "fill the Grand Canyon" in it. Ultimately injuredand disappointment will set in, then anger and bitterness. To develop a large gap between them. If one partner does not start, God's plan and vision to understand the marriage, they are both locked in a death spiral in their relationship patterns. This empty marriage without intimacy, can not result in a legal divorce, but the emotional divorce can be just as devastating and destructive for the family. It will take divine intervention to correctit.

When the devil took the man and the woman get derailed, he struck directly in the center of their identity - their masculinity and femininity. It is noteworthy that before Adam and Eve hid themselves from each other, they covered the parts of herself, which she identifies as a man and woman. They were driven by their own will. Who they were and how they were shaped function was now confused, twisted, deceitful, hidden and selfish.

What is the answer in allit?

First, we must face the fact that our self-worth comes from the value that brought us through a loving God through Jesus Christ and what he provided for us.

Second, we must understand that the results of our co-dependent ways in which a result can not be found through our fulfillment of God to humanity.

If we are the true source of return, then we can love and be loved in our marriage and actually break out of our mutual opportunities.

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