Saturday, December 19, 2009

Five secret of a happy marriage - to agree on money matters

The following seven secrets very well for more than 22 years worked in my marriage and also for many other couples. Follow them, their adaptation to their own in your marriage work, and you will be on your way to what we want it all - a happy marriage to be!

1. Communicate

2. Learn the needs of the other

3. Learn to resolve conflicts

4. Grow with each other

5. Agree on money matters

6th love and respect

7.Maintain a commitment to marriage

Agree on money matters

One of the main causes of arguments and conflicts in the marriage is because a difference in the perception of money and be processed. The real question was never about money per se. Fights about money are rarely about the money first. The fight is only a manifestation of more general issues in the relationship and what each brings the money in terms of settingMoney.

We bring to our marriage, our own individual money funds paradigm or blueprint. The problems, both financially and psychologically, that even playing in the simplest disagreement about money, are more than enough to lead to tensions. Ask yourself the following questions to be determined to be the source of the money blueprint and the possible conflict of money you are responsible for your wedding:

Are you a savings or donors who have money and style to marry you?

Whatmean money to you - freedom, security, adventure and power, will be provided?

How were you raised have to deal with money talk about money?

Trust your partner to make a good financial decisions, or do you feel the need to keep things under control?

What does the word lifestyle does this mean for you and your spouse?

From the above list, consider your attitude toward money and your spouse. It can, with understanding of tax law and investment controlStrategies, whereas old is your partner, just frugal. Both are important skills and both are necessary in today's economy.

Therefore, rather than criticize your spouse for his lack of 401 (k) know-how, you may very important in the long run to celebrate the family's financial success, the fact that your partner is frugality is exactly what gets your family will be able to debt right now. Both are important for you to connect your financial strengths and preferences set to choose apromote the fight against the costs that you face now and in the future.

Another strategy to avoid "money fights" is like a financial unit of thought. More importantly, try to stop thinking like two and start thinking and acting like one.

You need to a set of shared goals and hopes and agree on some shared values. You can always values held by your spouse have differing opinions, but you need to see eye to eye on certain aspects of your financial life so that yourPriorities are aligned and balanced.

Finally, do not let fights fester for money. There is no question about the need for money to live the life you want to live. But about what you choose to be cautious about the fight. If a knock-down-money fight for a $ 50 purchase really necessary? Bad feelings and perhaps the distrust is guaranteed. What does it cost?

Next: six secrets of a happy marriage: love and respect

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