Thursday, April 15, 2010

Whats Your bivouac Rasheen complete aerial affection Priyanka Chopra in different roles excellent video

What is your Raashee's? (2009) Details Star Cast: Priyanka Chopra, Harman Baweja S. Director: Ashutosh Gowariker Music Director: Sohail Sen, "What are your Raashee's?" based on a novel Gujrati Kimball Ravenswood by Shri Madhu Rye based, and is a story about a young man in Gujarati pursuit of his dream woman with the catch to it to take place within 10 days to save his family from an unforeseen emergency situation that leads to a series of confusion, chaos and a hilarious Joy Ride.Synopsis: Never before have the sun and the moon played an important role in romance. Whats Your Raashee? is the story of Yogesh Patel, a young man who has in his heart, always wanted a love marriage. Until suddenly he is told that he found his dream woman within ten days to save his family from total ruin. Finding the dream woman is hard enough. Find it in a hurry even harder. His solution is simple, it is a girl from each raashee sign just as he is the best feelingWay to ensure he finds a suitable wife, but also by twelve chances to fall in love. Two sessions per day gives him six days to meet with them to take three days to a final decision and he can get married on the tenth day, or so he thinks. Based on the novel Gujarati Kimball Ravenswood by Madhu Rye, Whats Your Raashee? Ashutosh Gowariker's first romantic comedy, with Harman Baweja and Priyanka Chopra, and is produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Sunita A. Gowariker.

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