Friday, January 29, 2010

Principles of Marriage I

The first principle of happy marriage is equality. The second principle is the mutual trust that can never exist without the first.

I do not want "equality", what is meant in general. A member of the married TWAIN is rich, the other arm corresponds to their property, an aristocrat, the other plebeian, a cultivated, the other with no schooling, and yet they can each other what they really are.

Equality is a mental state, not a question of birth and education,Wisdom or ignorance. The truth is that all men and women are equal, all are sparks of the One Life, all children of a highly aristocratic "Father", all heirs to the wisdom and wealth of the age, to produce ever.

But all the men and women are more or less unconsciously, in some places at least, this truth. They spend their lives "down" to each other. Men "look down" on their wives as "weak" or "inferior", and women look to their husbands as "animals" or "greatAnimals. "Men are visionariness contempt for their wives, and women despise their husbands for" cold and calculating "tendencies.

Every man and woman values certain qualities high and to the extent that others do not reveal how these special properties, which he calls "low-classed," and his company is not rated.

That is the major source of trouble between husband and wife. Everyone appreciates his own qualities and despises the other. So in their own minds they are not equal, andthe first principle of harmony is missing.

The truth is that in marriage a man is schoolmaster to his wife, and she is also a teacher to him. This is true to a lesser degree, of all relationships of life.

The Law of Attraction draws people together, that they can learn.

There is only one life, the growth in wisdom and knowledge.

There is only one death, the refusal to learn.

If men and women were equal in their own minds, theywould not have to despise each other and refuse to learn from each other.

The law of attraction or love, almost always attracts opposites, and in their own interest. A visionary, idealistic woman is a practical man, where kick and fuss and despise each other, as it is drawn, it is required, more practical and he more idealistic. They exchange qualities against his will, each is an unconscious agent in curvature of the character and make the lives of manyother.

Much of this mixture of nature is done with passion, the least understood of forces. And the children of a union of opposites, even where there is great contempt and unhappiness between the parents are almost always better balanced than either parent.

I can not believe that unhappy marriages are "mistakes" or that they serve no good purpose. The Law of Attraction draws together those who need each other at this particular stage of their growth. TheUnhappiness is due to their own foolish refusal to learn, and this refusal was because of their disdain for each other. They are like naughty children at school, worked up the cry or sulk and refuse to their problems. As the same naughty children, they make themselves unhappy, and when not to "pass", they can.

Remember that the disdain for each other at the bottom of all marital unhappiness. The practical despises his wife's impulsive idealism and try to make it through.The woman scorned his "cold and calculating" tendencies and tries to make about him. This means war, because it is impossible to worry about anyone but themselves.

Because the man his wife trends they despised and scorned, there's never, either try to make about themselves, thus helping to what they were together for drawn.

It only will find the tone of respect and personal freedom in marriage, the others will soon come intoHarmony.

You can easily see that all come from this lack of marital glasses men in the individual mind. If a man believes he is perfectly able to attend and judge for himself, he is annoyed by another disorder. On the other hand, if he thinks his wife is also in a position to judge for himself, he has no intention of interfering with their actions. Of course, the same holds true for the woman. It is generated by the lack of respect and trust, the making of the mind in a family, and for thiscreates a cause of everything in harmony.

Individual freedom is the only basis for a harmonious effect, not only in marriage but in all other relationships of life.

And individual freedom can not by the man or woman who his or her judgments superior to the judgments of others considered to be granted. A man needs his wife accord the same wisdom and power with himself, otherwise he can not act freely, they for themselves. A woman needs her husband agreed that the same equation, or they can not leave himfree.

It is human (and divine) nature to correct what we believe to be false. Only under the assumption that the other "king (or queen) not do anything wrong," lies the possibility of individual freedom, in marriage or out is.

The man or woman who knows he or she believed in and trusted is very keen to ensure that earn the trust. Did you know that? The safe way to have listened to your wishes is to collect and appreciate the other party. Did you know that is a man or a woman victim of gayhis or her own opinion, to keep the respect and love of others? But if he believes the respect and love the other party is always less he will run wild, his own desires.

Married people "grow apart" for a reason that they find each error. Of course, it begins by their disrespect for his own mistakes, but it developed into disrespect for one another. Retrieved from "down" error on a man, he is only a few stepsto look down on him. Its failure to grow through recognition, and its good sides to keep shrinking for lack of notice, to hide in your mind to do nothing but errors. From trying to get him over to despair, and give him a very bad job.

And it's not a grain of sense in all of these. Stick to the truth, and you will be removing the madness and the friction. The truth is that your husband or your wife, a monstrous fool would follow their rulings.They do not know beans from barley, maize, when it comes to the actions of anyone but you. The One Spirit, which enlightens you as your actions is also enlightening your other half to their actions, and believe that this spirit will be with you, better knowledge about the functions of your other half's favor than it has given her? I think not. Do not be arrogant, my husband is. Make your own little best, and trust your other half to do hers. Confidence that they do their best.

And above all:Trust the One Spirit to run you both.

When you do this your wife are rising quickly into your reputation. And the more she finds herself in your esteem the more they will try to please you and get higher.

And, ladies, do not forget that the shoe fits equally well with the other foot. Either husband or wife can bring harmony to the chaos simply by respecting the other half, and all his actions.

A marriage without "even a pinhead of bitterness" is a marriage withoutPin number of troubleshooting, mental or orally.

To sum up:

1. You and your husband are close together - so close you are one.

2. If you want the truth to your husband that you have the faith to feel full of love, and you must not allow himself to condemn or judge, verbally or mentally, his revelations of himself. You need to swing with him if you can, and still keep the faith, where people do not understand him and meet him.

3. You have to pretend to stop, toFaith and love and understanding are in the habit of your life.

4. The same rules apply if you were near you, any other person, or feel for all people.

Everyone is in the bud a good and thoughtful and loving husband. A wise woman will love him, full-of-faith, appreciative atmosphere that encourages development.

"We are all only as good as we know how to be and as bad as we dare." And we are getting better. Why not sing the beauty ofwell imagine, instead it is our "duty" to feel bad against the bark?

It says it can not be a model husband, without a model wife, and vice versa. True. Then sell, if not a model husband does not assume that you evaluate a model built woman and exhorting him to be.

Be still and become familiar with him.

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